Chron Club Rewards

by Top Crop



Welcome to Chron Club Rewards! Elevate your dispensary experience with a Chron Club membership, now allowing you to earn and redeem points at any Chron Club dispensary across the US, including Top Crop, Dark Matter, and Crónica. Seamlessly integrated to provide you with the ultimate convenience, our app brings all Chron Club rewards and promotions directly to your mobile device, no matter where you are or which location you visit.Earn Points and Get Rewarded Join the Chron Club to collect points on every purchase at any of our dispensaries. Each dollar you spend adds points to your account, which can be exchanged for deep discounts and exclusive offers. Simply connect using the phone number or email you registered with in-store. Not yet a member? Sign up easily through our app!Push NotificationsActivate push notifications to get early alerts on new product launches, restocks, exclusive app deals, happy hours, and more.Refer and EarnUse your personal referral link to gain more points by introducing friends to Chron Club.Stay ConnectedOur messaging center ensures youre always up-to-date with notifications and messages from our team.Download the Chron Club Rewards App now and enhance your dispensary visits across the nation, making every experience the best it can be!